Build Your Super Mix (6oz)

from $20.00

Don’t want to settle for one flavor? Want an abundance of Microgreens? Our Super Mix is the right choice for you. The Super Mix is a mix of four different Microgreens, It’s a variety of different flavors and power house of nutrients that can be used for any dish or smoothie.

Total = 6oz of power packing Microgreens!

100% Organic Seeds & Soil.

No Pesticides & Herbicides.


Below you can choose which Microgreen varieties you’d like.

Estimated Ready Time: 7-10 Days

Option #1:
Option #2:
Option #3:
Option #4:
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Don’t want to settle for one flavor? Want an abundance of Microgreens? Our Super Mix is the right choice for you. The Super Mix is a mix of four different Microgreens, It’s a variety of different flavors and power house of nutrients that can be used for any dish or smoothie.

Total = 6oz of power packing Microgreens!

100% Organic Seeds & Soil.

No Pesticides & Herbicides.


Below you can choose which Microgreen varieties you’d like.

Estimated Ready Time: 7-10 Days

Don’t want to settle for one flavor? Want an abundance of Microgreens? Our Super Mix is the right choice for you. The Super Mix is a mix of four different Microgreens, It’s a variety of different flavors and power house of nutrients that can be used for any dish or smoothie.

Total = 6oz of power packing Microgreens!

100% Organic Seeds & Soil.

No Pesticides & Herbicides.


Below you can choose which Microgreen varieties you’d like.

Estimated Ready Time: 7-10 Days